Zodiac Affirmations: Empowering Daily Words for Each Sign Daily affirmations can be powerful. These affirmations have been curated specifically for each zodiac sign's unique challenges and gifts.
What's Your Venus Retrograde Story? Retrograde planets symbolize a time to draw inward and reflect on what that planet represents in astrology. Venus is the planet of relationships, art, money, and pleasure.
Boost Your Manifestation Abilities: A Beginner's Guide for Working the Moon Phases People have been harnessing the power of the moon for thousands of years. It is a powerful tool for manifesting our dreams into reality.
What Nourishes Your Moon Sign? Your Moon sign in astrology can give you a lot of information about yourself that you would miss if you only focused on your Sun sign! Below I have written a short introduction to the moon in the elements and in the 12 zodiac signs and what that may tell
An Introduction to Moon Signs We all know what our Sun sign is in astrology. For example, I'm a Gemini. That's what I say whenever someone asks me that infamous line, "What's your sign?" But, as I've mentioned before on this blog, we are so
The Astrological New Year Pisces and the Season of Endings Pisces season (late February to late March) marks the end of the sun's journey through the zodiac, approximately 365 days. This zodiac sign symbolizes endings. This is an energetically aligned time for release, renewal, and rest before the astrological new year begins!