Full Moon in Aquarius Horoscopes

Under the Aquarius Full Moon, reflect deeply, expect Uranian surprises, and revisit ideas during Mercury retrograde.

Greetings astro friends!

Here are your full moon horoscopes for this month. First, we'll get into a quick reminder of what full moons represent astrologically. Then we'll do a short overview of what this full moon means for the collective before getting into the specifics for each rising sign.

What do Full Moons Symbolize? 

Full moons are the brightest part of the lunar cycle, shining light on clarity, insights, and revelations. Just as the night sky is fully illuminated, so too are situations, events, and people brought into focus for us. Thoughts and feelings that were once hidden in the shadows of our unconscious now rise into our conscious awareness. We may suddenly understand our own true desires and intentions—or even those of others.

The moon’s light also symbolizes energy and activity in the world around us, making full moons a time of heightened busyness. You’ll likely notice an increase in people bustling about and events picking up speed. As the moon grows in light from the new moon, intensity builds in our lives, often peaking with the full moon’s brightness. This is when things come to a head—reaching culmination, peak intensity, and highest visibility. Then, just as the moon’s light begins to wane after the full moon, so does the intensity of our situations, gradually calming as the cycle winds down.

Full moons have long been considered perfect for rituals, especially those that release what no longer serves us. And of course, they’re also ideal for celebration! 🌕✨

Full moons can manifest in your life in a multitude of ways such as:

  • Deep, psychological revelations 
  • Intentions, feelings, and thoughts revealed to you
  • Increased activity in a certain area of your life
  • A major or minor event in a certain area of your life
  • Visible results from goals you have been working towards
  • Tipping points, times of peak intensity, and culminations

For more on full moons and working with the lunar cycle, you can check out this post below.

A Beginner’s Guide for Working the Moon Phases
People have been harnessing the power of the moon for thousands of years. It is a powerful tool for manifesting our dreams into reality.

Full Moon in Aquarius

Collective Reading

The full moon this month is happening in the sign of Aquarius. It will be exact on August 19th, at 11:26 am PST. The sun & moon will be at 27 degrees of the signs of Leo & Aquarius, respectively. Right before the full moon peaks, it aligns with retrograde Mercury (more on that below) and Uranus.

Mercury Retrograde Meets Uranus: Reflect and Expect the Unexpected

Planetary aspects highly influence the energy and intensity of a full moon. Mercury retrograde colors this moon phase with themes of communication, ideas, and information, while Uranus brings unpredictability, surprises, sudden shifts, and unexpected situations. Together, these influences create opportunities for breakthroughs, particularly in areas like science, technology, communication, and creativity. If you've been stuck on a problem, this full moon could inspire an innovative solution, sparking fresh ideas when you least expect it (and when you most need it). Both planets are associated with the nervous system, so their combined influence may heighten anxiety and overstimulate the mind.

a close up of an owl in a tree
Photo by Richard Lee / Unsplash

Although full moons generally signify heightened activity and visible progress toward personal goals (as mentioned above under the full moon section), this particular full moon carries a different energy due to Mercury retrograde. Mercury retrograde, occurring three to four times a year, is a time when cosmic energy favors rest, reflection, and revisiting past endeavors rather than pushing forward with new initiatives.

So this full moon is actually more reflective and less active than most. The energy around this lunation invites us to pause, rethink, and stay open to sudden changes. So, in comparison to other full moons, expect this one to be less about visible progress and more about internal shifts and unexpected developments.

The Leo & Aquarius Axis

Balancing Individuality and Community

During the days leading up to the full moon and on the day of the full moon you may notice the energetic themes of Leo & Aquarius weaving through the events of the world around you—whether it’s in the news, the actions of public figures, or the vibes of your loved ones & acquaintances. Consider what's happening locally or worldwide that deals with these topics. Sometimes the themes of zodiac signs and planetary energies are brought to our attention by people who are living embodiments of these themes in their personal or professional lives.

For example, 

  • Performers, artists, influencers, creative powerhouses and trendsetters
  • Entrepreneurs and creators who are not afraid to take bold risks
  • Charismatic personalities & leaders who naturally draw attention and admiration
  • Visionaries, humanitarians, activists
  • Advocates for the 'common person' and the underrepresented
  • Those who unite groups for a cause
  • Those working from within 'the system' to create change
  • Collaborators and community builders, bridging gaps between different groups
  • Innovators, tech enthusiasts, and those pushing boundaries in science and society
Leo prioritizes authentic self-expression, recognition, and individuality. While Aquarius prioritizes collective progress and societal contribution. They are both fixed signs, meaning they share a core energetic of being finishers, perfectors, and perhaps a little set in their ways. Leo asks: “How can I shine brighter?” while Aquarius responds: “How can we create a better world together?” This powerful opposition reminds us to strike a balance between expressing our own creative spark and collaborating for collective evolution.
white and black Together We Create graffiti wall decor
Photo by "My Life Through A Lens" / Unsplash

How to read these horoscopes: 

These horoscopes are written for your rising sign.

If you do not know your rising sign, then I would encourage you to check the themes for your sun sign and see if that resonates. As always, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t, and remember full moons are just a phase. 😜

After reading your horoscope, the influence of this full moon may not be immediately clear. Taking some quiet time to reflect on the themes related to your sign can help you uncover what this full moon is revealing for you.

Suppose you have more than a beginner's understanding of astrology and use a house system other than whole sign houses. In that case, you should check the section written for the house in your chart containing 27 degrees of Aquarius. 


Your social life could be buzzing under this full moon, Aries! Expect more action within your friend groups, social clubs, or organizations. You might gain some surprising insights about the people you surround yourself with or even realize which groups truly resonate with you. If you're involved in social, political, or cultural causes, visible results or unexpected developments may surface. While this is an excellent time to do something fun with friends or push group efforts forward, remember that Mercury retrograde asks us to pause and reflect. Expect a few surprises with Uranus in the mix—plans could change suddenly, and connections may take unexpected turns.

group of people tossing wine glass
Photo by Kelsey Chance / Unsplash


Taurus, this full moon is shining a spotlight on your career, reputation, and ambitions. You could have sudden insights about how you want to be seen in the world and what legacy you’re building. Perhaps you’ll find yourself unexpectedly in the spotlight—think presentations, pitching your talents, or receiving well-deserved recognition. But don’t forget, Mercury retrograde is here to remind you to reflect on your goals. Slow down, revisit your aspirations, and rethink your next steps. With Uranus stirring the pot, be ready for unpredictable shifts in your professional life or sudden changes in responsibility. Embrace the surprises, Taurus—they might lead to breakthroughs you never saw coming.

woman holding white mug while standing
Photo by Brooke Lark / Unsplash


Gemini, this full moon might illuminate your beliefs on big topics like politics, philosophy, or spirituality. You could gain fresh insights or find clarity around your educational pursuits, with peak experiences or unexpected results showing up in these areas. Travel plans could emerge or get a shake-up, thanks to Uranus’s influence. If you're not jet-setting, you might feel drawn to new cultures, languages, or ideas that challenge your worldview. But with Mercury retrograde in full swing, this is a time for reflection rather than impulsive actions. Revisit your beliefs, expand your knowledge, and let the universe surprise you with what’s next.

selective focus photography of Aristotle's Metaphysics book
Photo by Tbel Abuseridze / Unsplash


This full moon could stir up major developments in shared finances, Cancer. You might experience heightened activity in investments, debts, or even receive unexpected money from government sources or family inheritances. Conversations about shared resources with a partner—whether business or romantic—could reach a turning point. On a deeper level, this lunation is prime for reflecting on your emotional and mental health. Mercury retrograde encourages you to revisit past traumas or challenges, and Uranus might bring sudden revelations or breakthroughs in healing. Embrace the transformative energy, Cancer, and let go of what no longer serves you.

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Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 / Unsplash


Leo, this full moon is lighting up your close relationships. Whether it's a romantic partner, business collaboration, or client relationship, you might notice peak intensity or tipping points. An important conversation or a breakthrough could take your relationship to the next level—or reveal what needs rethinking. With Mercury retrograde, it’s time to reflect on your long-term goals for partnerships. Who’s here to stay, and who’s ready to go? Uranus might throw a few surprises into the mix, shaking up your connections in unexpected ways. Stay flexible, Leo, and let the twists and turns guide you toward greater clarity.

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Photo by Claudio Schwarz / Unsplash


Virgo, this full moon is all about your work and daily life. Projects could ramp up or reach significant milestones, especially if you’re in a leadership role. Mercury retrograde asks you to reflect on your routines and daily habits—where can you streamline and improve? Perhaps it’s time to rethink your morning ritual or make changes to your health and wellness practices. Pay attention to anything unusual in your physical or mental health, as Uranus’s influence may bring sudden developments. Stay grounded, Virgo, and use this time to revisit how you nurture both your mind and body.

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Photo by Emily Bauman / Unsplash


Libra, it’s time to indulge in creative pursuits and embrace what brings you joy! This full moon highlights your hobbies, passions, and even your romantic life. You might see visible results in a passion project or experience major developments in your love life. Mercury retrograde encourages you to reflect on how you express yourself creatively—are you fully aligned with your desires? Uranus’s presence might bring surprises, so expect the unexpected when it comes to romance or creative breakthroughs. Lean into spontaneity and let your inner artist shine.

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Photo by Elena Mozhvilo / Unsplash


Scorpio, this full moon illuminates your home and family life. If you’ve been working on a home project, you might finally see visible results. Family matters that have been simmering could come to a head, and with Uranus involved, expect some surprises! Mercury retrograde urges you to reflect on your roots—what family dynamics are asking for your attention? This could also be a time for rest and retreat. Use this full moon to revisit your personal sanctuary, declutter your space, or simply enjoy quiet moments at home.

selective focus photography of Star Wars Stormtropper, R2-D2, and Darth Vader toys
Photo by Daniel K Cheung / Unsplash


Sagittarius, this full moon energizes communication, learning, and your local environment. You might complete a course, receive a certification, or see progress in teaching or writing. With Mercury retrograde, it’s an ideal time to revisit old ideas, revise your work, or reconnect with people in your immediate community. Sibling relationships or neighborhood dynamics could experience a shift—perhaps even with an unexpected twist from Uranus. Keep your mind open and flexible as you navigate this full moon’s energy, Sag. You never know what insights or connections may surprise you!

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash


Capricorn, this full moon focuses on money and your sense of self-worth. Increased spending or unexpected income could arise, and insights about your financial habits or resources may come to light. Mercury retrograde has you rethinking your approach to money—are your spending habits aligned with your values? Uranus’s influence may bring sudden shifts in your financial situation, so be prepared for surprises. Use this full moon to reflect on your resources, values, and how you can create lasting security while staying open to unexpected opportunities.

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Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash


Aquarius, it’s your full moon! This lunation shines a light on your identity, appearance, and personal growth. You might experience revelations about how you present yourself to the world or gain clarity on your self-expression. With Mercury retrograde in play, it’s a time to reflect on your personal evolution and revisit any goals related to your appearance or identity. Uranus may throw some surprises your way, shifting how you see yourself or how others perceive you. Stay open to change and embrace this moment of self-discovery, Aquarius.

Do Something Great neon sign
Photo by Clark Tibbs / Unsplash


Pisces, this full moon pulls you inward, highlighting your need for solitude and reflection. You may find yourself retreating from the world, intentionally or otherwise. Mercury retrograde supports introspection, encouraging you to revisit self-sabotaging patterns or past challenges. Work done behind the scenes might come to fruition, and with Uranus involved, you could experience sudden insights or unexpected shifts in your spiritual journey. Embrace the quiet moments, Pisces, and allow this full moon to guide you toward healing and inner peace.

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Photo by Gaetano Cessati / Unsplash